Chakra Basics
What are the chakras? They are energy centers like spinning vortexes in your body. The chakras process vibrations between the environment and outer world and your physical body and soul. When functioning properly they ideally transmit love, peace, harmony, and high spiritual information to you. Repressed emotions, other people thoughts, limited beliefs, etc, can clog your chakras blocking the flow of positive healing energy. When this flow is blocked, it can lead to physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual illness. Healing sounds, foods, colors, stones and purposeful actions can restore balance to your chakras and vitality to your aura. See the Chakra Remedy Chart.
What does a chakra look like? From a side view, they look like a spiraling vortex wider at the front and back of the body, narrowing along the spine then expanding out again in the back of the aura about 3’ away from the physical body. Ideally chakra energy flows easily into the layers of your aura, through the physical body, and out the back of your aura. From a front view the way they look varies depending upon the health of the chakra, anywhere from a 4” circle to irregular distorted shapes. You can feel the spinning energy of the chakra by placing your hand a few inches in front or back of each chakra.
How many chakras do I have? While there are many, even hundreds of chakras in the body, we will focus on the main 7 chakras up the spine of the body, along with hand and foot chakras for psychic development.
Where is the first chakra? The first chakra is located at the base of the spine. The chakras are located up the body and correspond to the endocrine glands.
Where are the Hand Chakras? In the center of the palms of your hands. You are born with these healing energy centers to share love and healing with yourself and others. You can activate them to manifest creativity and abundance. They become blocked when you feel over responsible for other people or are engaged in work or behavior that does not serve your soul.
What are the Foot Chakras? Each foot has a chakra in the center of the foot, also known as the solar plexus of the foot, that opens to the healing powers of nature and earth energy. They are designed to help us to be connected to our earthly experience. They can become blocked if we are disassociated from the physical body due to pain or being in abusive situations, or around environmental toxins. Being around an emotionally or mentally toxicity at home, work, or school can also block the foot chakras disconnecting us from our truth and the nurturing powers of the mother earth.
How do I know what chakra I need to work on? The first step is to notice where you are holding stress or tension in your body. If you do not know where you hold stress or how you are feeling, beginning with the first or base chakra will ground you and can help you to connect to your feelings in your body. You can also build compassion for yourself and your lack of feeling by focusing on your heart chakra. You could also make the decision from an intellectual perspective and look at the chakra issues chart.
How does the color I wear affect the chakras? Wearing a color associated with a chakra that you working with brings that vibration to your energy field. This helps you balance that chakra and magnetize opportunities to learn and grow from.

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